Thursday 28 January 2010

(Jason) Snare monster

Snare monster, originally uploaded by Cannibal Duck.

Monster plays the drums, poor drums.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Jess: #08 - Glowy Octopus of Doom

08, originally uploaded by Jessiola.

Jess: #7 Bright Eyes...

07, originally uploaded by Jessiola.

...Burning like fiiiiire. So, I managed to get Photoshop running on my PC without it crashing 1000 times. Yippee!

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Sunday 24 January 2010

Friday 22 January 2010

(Jason) Ice cream monster

Ice cream monster, originally uploaded by Cannibal Duck.

Watch out, he'll give ya brain freeze!

Thursday 21 January 2010

Jess: #05

05, originally uploaded by Jessiola.

He's a little bit lonely.

Jess: Two Monsters! (3 and 4)

04, originally uploaded by Jessiola.

I introduce Jellyfish June and Plumber Paul who were quickly doodled at work.

Tuesday 19 January 2010



Welcome to The Monster Blog. Everyday, myself and a Mister Jason Duckmanton Esq. will attempt to draw a monster, creature, beast or general mythical (possibly whimsical) being and share them with you on this ol' blog. Pretty self-explanatory, really. It's a great way to keep us drawing, share our abilities with the interwebs and most importantly, have a bit of fun.

There's lots of plans for customising this blog, inviting guest monster makers to share their creations etc, etc... so watch this space. But for now, let's just concentrate on these wee beasties of ours. Hope you enjoy them!